
Jude Update- 4 Month Check-Up


Jude turned 4 months old on June 23, however he just had his 4 month check-up today. Here are the results

Height- 27 inches (95th Percentile)
Weight- 16 lbs 9.5 oz (75th Percentile)

Jude is teething... he is CONSTANTLY drooling and tries to put everything in his mouth. This has actually been going on for several weeks and still none of them have cut, but we're still enjoying his toothless smile while it lasts. He is also starting to "scoot". We aren't sure that he realizes that he's doing it, but when he's on his belly, he'll push himself up and try pulling his legs up underneath him and ends up scooting forward, just a tad. Jude also is sitting up extremely well, and demonstrated this with the doctor today sitting on the table unassisted for a few seconds. He is rolling over easily from front to back and on occasion from back to front.

The doctor was thankfully very impressed with his progress. She said that a lot of the things that he's already doing are the things that they look for from 6 month olds, which is obviously exciting for us.

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